GIST Teams and Fans transforming today’s pressing global problems into tomorrow’s local solutions.
Mike Port
Some of you may be looking for a deeper dive into the opening chapters of GIST.
I put the blame / credit on a journey of my father’s after graduating from high school in 1930. He and a classmate, Eric Sevareid decided to attempt a canoe trip from Minneapolis, Minnesota, to Hudson Bay, roughly 2,250 miles long. Being successful, they were the first documented canoers to do so.
No GPS, no floor in their tent, no mosquito screens, no freeze-dried food, no lightweight canoes or cell phones to call Mom to do their laundry. With a $100 sponsorship from the Minneapolis Star Tribune (in return for updates along their route), they managed to complete their journey just as ice was beginning to form at the river's edge during the nights.
Basically, with little food and damaged paddles at the end, they finished at York Factory. The journey encouraged Eric to write his first book, Canoeing With The Cree. Dad’s trip journal and pictures are a cherished part of my inheritance.
Dad was several years older than Eric. He dropped out of high school after nearly dying of smallpox. It took a couple of years to gain back his strength and lost weight before returning to school. Two of his recovery ventures focused on gymnastics and swimming.
He told me about the time he entered a five-mile swim race on Lake Minnetonka, suburban Minneapolis. As he was recalling the race, he put a sad look on his face as he looked down, and said, “Yah, I finished last.” Then he looked up with a big grin, “But at least I finished. Most of the competition quit!”
A good friend and canoeing partner asked me after our high school graduation, if I would like to replicate the trip with him. After reading Canoeing With The Cree again, I reluctantly told him that I sensed a different and longer journey was in my future.
Little did I know it would be a life long journey with stops in Minnesota, the Upper Midwest, the US, and ultimately to countries in the Caribbean, Central America, Middle East, Africa and Asia.
The journey taught me about: 1) barriers that resource challenged people face in different locations; and, 2) spend time with them and strive to come up with common sense actions that would empower them to improve their situation.
At the same time, they were teaching me new solutions which could be passed along to help others. I learned firsthand that we all have needs as well as gifts to share with others.
In 1986, my wife, Martha, joined me on the journey. She has been a very important piece in the puzzle named GIST (Global Innovative Solutions Teams).
GIST is a compilation of more than 50 years of life experiences. The “learn by doing” included ventures with Community Education, Housing, Runaway Youth, Youth/Adult Employment, Alcohol Addiction programs, GED certification / vocational schools / colleges. US Armed Forces, water shortages in the Great Plains’ states, cooking fuel shortages for 3 billion people globally, deforestation, health problems due to air pollution (soot), various volunteer driven groups, organizations, urban heat islands, etc. etc.
Currently, in our mid 70's and a lifetime of skin in the game, it is hard for Martha and me to think of retiring before passing along the lessons learned to others.
My job at this point is to be a guide and visionary for GIST, as well as firming up established relationships with “partners”. Our Board of Directors needs to add more “experts” from key backgrounds who are not afraid to work with other likeminded - can do people who are willing to tackle “tough” problems with a positive attitude, people who like my dad are willing to swim the extra miles.
Although we have several projects that will receive immediate attention, the first full year of our operations will focus on raising the money needed to hire staff, build our teams, develop the “game plans”, engage our fans and partners, etc.
Realizing that our start-up plan is a little different, we ask for your financial help and your patience in the coming months as we finish building a solid foundation for the future.
We will need volunteers to pray for us and also to independently seek new ways to make a difference in your community, state, the USA or globally.
You are needed by someone, somewhere. Not sure of whom or for what reason? Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door will be opened.
How will the rest of your journey play out?
GIST is a 501(c) (3) Nonprofit Organization Registered Under EIN: 81-5059333.