Our Approaches

Global Innovative Solutions Teams

Background and Philosophy

President Kennedy’s words have inspired a group of committed citizens to seek 501 (c) (3) status for GIST, allowing us to develop new initiatives that fit with a mission of providing simple local solutions to complex global problems. Collectively, in the spirit of President Kennedy, WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

President Kennedy’s leadership paved the way for America to send men to the moon and bring them back safely in 1969. The successful lunar landing was the culmination of years of hard work by dedicated NASA workers, rigorous training for astronauts, along with bi-partisan political and public support. The USA celebrated as did many around the world.

In turn, the business opportunities birthed in the Space Program were enormous. We still benefit from some of them today.

Under the INITIATIVES heading of this website, you will read summaries of GIST’s four initial initiatives (TNT, WOW, SOS, and LISTEN). These four initiatives have the potential of helping billions of people. The Trillion New Trees (TNT) and Wealth Of Water (WOW) initiatives address two of the most important undertakings facing many of us on planet Earth, including Americans.

What Do These Initiatives Have in Common?

They combine current best practices in new ways.

Their success depends on individuals / groups / businesses and governments working together.

They will all create new job opportunities around the world.

They will all focus on finding common ground, uniting instead of dividing.

If successful, they will all leave a better world for future generations.

We Believe The 
Solutions Already Exist

  • Some of the solutions need improvements, tweaking or additional partners.
  • Others need a reallocation of resources, improvement of policies and/or manpower.
  • Most importantly, they need a team of committed people!

We’ll say it again, the solutions already exist. The power to achieve change is within our wheelhouse.

Here's Our Plan


Here's how GIST will act as a catalyst for making the solutions happen. We will:

1. The "Commissioner"

Hire a “Commissioner” who has the knowledge and experience in understanding problems and building teams to identify / execute solutions.

2. Identify

Identify the challenges we will tackle.

3. Implement

Implement approaches using a blend of highly successful health clinics (comprehensive investigation and evaluation) and sports teams (execution with energy and enthusiasm).

4. The "Coach"

Hire a “Coach” and a team of people already working on various aspects of the problem.

5. Commit

Commit to working together to come up with a “game plan.”

6. Develop

Develop a "fan" (donor) base of individuals, groups, corporations and foundations to fund each GIST solution team.

7. Train

Hold “training camp” at selected sites.

8. Execute

Execute the “game plan” in appropriate locations.

9. Evaluate

Conduct a year-end review highlighting accomplishments by players, coaches, teams and fans.

Depending on the problem/solution: We will either “hand it off” to another group(s) while maintaining advisory status, or operate it ourselves.

More Trees

Trillion New Trees (TNT)
Our Trillion New Trees Initiative will augment current global reforestation efforts to reach this goal. We will do this by helping expand villagers’ participation globally combined with an exciting new concept to expand trained American volunteers to work alongside the villagers and local foresters to increase reforestation efforts.
TNT - Learn More

More Fresh Water

Wealth of Water (WOW)
50% more fresh water will be needed globally by the year 2050. Wells are already drying up in many locations, including the USA. Long term solutions are needed now. They already exist! WOW Initiative will act as a spark that ignites the world to think of fresh water as an abundant resource instead of a finite one!
WOW - Learn More

Cleaner Air

Stop Our Soot (SOS)
Various scientific studies have concluded that soot from incomplete burning of fossil fuels and wood is the second biggest contribution to the melting of global glaciers and Arctic ice, as well as a major contributor to respiratory problems. Our partial solution – the SOS Initiative will become a dynamic catalyst in reducing global soot emissions 50% by the year 2040. 

SOS - Learn More

Improved Communications

Locally Inspired Service Teams Encouragement Network (LISTEN)
Locally Inspired Service Teams Encouragement Network (LISTEN) will tackle the crisis of lack of meaningful dialogue between competing societal goals facing our families, friends, communities, and nation. LISTEN will help local teams identify local problems, team members’ strengths, and arrive at local solutions built upon their teamwork.
LISTEN - Learn More

Our Approaches

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