Every great accomplishment begins with a person with vision and determination to guide the vision to reality. We have the vision(s) and the committed people.
Now we need others to step to the plate financially. With financing, we can hire the management and coaches to develop the proper game plans, recruit the right players, create the fan (support) base and play the games.
Please consider joining our One in A Million Team!
These initial contributions will empower us to ramp up operations as we seek future financial partners. Support from individuals, churches, foundations, corporations, or non-profits, is more than welcome.
As the projects develop, we also look forward to help from volunteers.
The USA has significant need for visions / projects that will inspire individuals to set aside our differences and work together. And, we need to assume the leadership role in cleaner air, reforestation, and abundant water, plus improving life in the USA and in developing countries. When we help others, we help ourselves.
Donations of all sizes are appreciated.
GIST is an IRS approved 501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation. Your donations are tax-deductible.
Checks May Be Mailed To:
PO Box 241177
Apple Valley MN 55124-1177
GIST will not sell or provide contact information to any other group.
“Do Something Now.
If not you, Who?
If not here, Where?
If not now, When?”
– Theodore Roosevelt
We also accept monthly donations.
Please Note: Donations of $5,000 or greater should be submitted via check or wire transfers, not via credit card.
Your donation will be acknowledged on GIST’s Startup Donors’ Hall of Fame by Name or Anonymous.
In the donation links you will check: ❑ YES ❑ NO (Anonymous)
Please refresh your thoughts regarding the Startup Donors’ Hall of Fame below:
Consider a Family Legacy -
Combining donations from grandparents, parents, siblings, grandchildren
GIST Start-Up Donors’ Hall of Fame
GIST has chosen to use terms associated with baseball – the USA national pastime.
Pre-Startup Donors' Hall of Fame recognizes first donors stepping to the plate prior to our official launch.
First nine donors (starting line-up) in each category listed numerically, remaining donors listed alphabetically.
Donors in the Start-Up Hall of Fame will be recognized permanently on our GIST website (pdf file links).
Donors may choose to be listed by name or anonymously.
GIST will also develop an appropriate display of donors for our future corporate headquarters.
To all of you willing to throw your hat in the ring in the early innings - THANK YOU!
Scouts are volunteers securing GIST donations ($500+ cumulative - including personal) by 31 Dec 2028
Goal: $30 million to cover 3 years' operational expenses.
Additional funds will acquire land and Headquarters campus.
Money raised beyond these needs will be used for a reserve fund.
GIST is a 501(c) (3) Nonprofit Organization Registered Under EIN: 81-5059333.